Author Archives: Camila Faria

Two by Two

Aren’t these Two by Two cookies from Artisan Biscuits the cutest things? I love the shapes of the cookies and package illustrations, inspired by classic pairs from children’s literature. Anyone ever tried? Designed by Irving & Co.


tiny animals_love

1. Tiny-turtle (Odelay79‘s pic). 2. Tiny-octopus (caretta156‘s pic). 3. Tiny-chameleon (mantidboy‘s pic). 4. Tiny-marmoset (floridapfe‘s pic).


Vintage match boxes

I’ve been obsessing over these cute vintage match boxes. Check out the amazing designs. ♥ Ohio Blue Tip Matches, from AMradio. ♥ Litho Italian matchbox, from 5gardenias. ♥ Maybe I’ll turn new (and boring) match boxes in adorable vintage versions, … Continue lendo


Tangled – the lantern scene

Tangled (2010) – another one of Disney’s sweet movies. I also want an amazing Festival of Lights on my birthday!


To you all…

Pretty flowers to start off the weekend! This pics (as well as the new april header) is from g***‘s set FILM.
