Author Archives: Camila Faria

Oh, Delicious Coffee

Another beautiful temporary tattoo from Tattly*, designed by the wonderful Mike Lowery (I’m a huge fan). As a true admirer of good coffee, I was delighted with this fun design. *Tattly is a company that makes temporary tattoos (yes, like … Continue lendo



Nothing against e-reader lovers, but I laughed so hard when I saw this Poorly Drawn Lines comic! I also keep it real muthafuckas!  :) ∴ info ∴ Poorly Drawn Lines website & shop.


font love: Lovelo

Lovelo is a remake of the original Lovelo Inline designed by Renzler Design in Vienna, Austria. Beautiful and free for download. Yay! Other font loves: CoreHumanistSans & Mr Moustache.  :) ∴ info ∴ Renzler Design website. Via Fontfabric.


Plant your own garden

I thought this Borges quote – so beautiful and inspiring – reminded me of the blog. “Não Me Mande Flores” is portuguese for “send me no flowers”.  :) “So plant your own gardens and decorate your soul instead of waiting … Continue lendo


culinary illustrations: Lucy Engelman

Lucy Engelman‘s culinary illustrations left me dying to run to the kitchen and prepare one of these beautiful dishes.  :) ∴ info ∴ Lucy Engelman website, tumblr & shop.
