Author Archives: Camila Faria

Striking Truths

These two messages (pretty awesome, right?) are part of the Striking Truths project, created by Bernadette Jiwa and Sian Richardson. You can subscribe to receive a manifesto every day, once a week or spend hours reading all the old posts on … Continue lendo



Super cute and super colorful notepads from TOKKETOK. #stationerylove ∴ info ∴ TOKKETOK website.


Emedemarta loveliness

I first saw Emedemarta‘s jewelry in my trip to Buenos Aires last year and I instantly fell in love! The pieces are all handmade with natural materials or welded, in beautiful colors and delicate lines, created by designer Marta Marginet. I ended … Continue lendo


2013 = love, success and money in our pockets

Hello everyone! How are you guys? May 2013 be a wonderful year for all of us, with lots of love, success and money in our pockets. Or even better, let’s keep our money in one of these lovely oktak coin … Continue lendo


Merry Christmas and a great 2013!

I wish you all a wonderful Christmas, full of happy moments, genuine smiles and inspired hearts! I also want to thank all of you, my dear readers, for the visits, comments, and for all the love I’ve received here on … Continue lendo
