Author Archives: Camila Faria

The Hand Written Letter Project

Lately I’ve been increasingly interested in “real” mail exchanges, compared with the virtual ones. I find admirable that people can dedicate a small (or large) part of their day to cultivate a more personal – and personalized – relationship with their loved ones. And on top of that, there’s my love affair with … Continue lendo


giant-flower DIY + giveaway winner

Do you want a giant flower to decorate your home (or your office, your birthday party …)? Get inspired by this gorgeous project designed by Ruche‘s creative team for their spring collection and fill the house with these beauties. Check … Continue lendo


paper esculptures: Bianca Chang

Bianca Chang is a real paper genius. I love her beautiful hand-cut graphic paper sculptures. 



Dyamond, by canadian photographer Hana Pesut. Love!


henteco adorable cookies

I can’t believe someone would have the courage to eat one of these adorable cookies from Henteco. They’re too pretty to eat! Can I keep them forever? Via forest, for rest.
