Author Archives: Camila Faria

Internet Love: Washi Tape

Do you have a lot of washi tapes around but don’t know what to do with them? Here are six simple and cute ideas to play with them ~ freeing up space for new ones. \o/ | Oriental Trading |  … Continue lendo


Amelia Giller’s Europe

Amelia Giller‘s trip to Europe yielded not just beautiful pictures but wonderful interventions with her own illustrations. So cool! ∴ info ∴ Amelia Giller website, instagram & etsy shop. 


Rami Kim Ceramics

Rami Kim, what can I say about your wonderful pottery work? My heart just skipped a beat. ♥ ∴ info ∴ Rami Kim website & instagram.


The Vamoose | Kathryn Blackmore

If you like stones, I’m sure you’ll love Kathryn Blackmore’s jewelery brand The Vamoose. The pieces with Peruvian opal, natural magnesite and marble are my favorites. ♥ ∴ info ∴ The Vamoose website, blog & instagram.


Solidarité Féminine

Solidarité Féminine T-Shirt: a collaboration between MILLE and designer Maddy Nye. ♥ ∴ info ∴ MILLE website & instagram. Maddy Nye website & instagram.
