Author Archives: Camila Faria

Elise Lefebvre Céramique

Lovely work of french ceramist Elise Lefebvre, who creates small sets of delicate vases, dishes and other pieces, which she later sells in shops, fairs and local markets ~ so I guess it’s a good idea to keep your eyes … Continue lendo


Kate Gabrielle – Pop Culture in Pins and Patches

Kate Gabrielle, making all of our pop culture wishes come true in the form of pins and patches (and in other formats too, you really should visit her amazing online shop)! ∴ info ∴ Kate Gabrielle website & instagram. 


Lovely Face Planters

Do you talk to your plants? People say that they like that special attention and repay us with the beauty and growth of their leaves and flowers. To make this task a little easier, how about using one of the many options … Continue lendo


NANAN Patisserie | Wroclaw, Poland

NANAN is a modern, but retro-looking patisserie in Wroclaw, Poland. The project is by the (also Polish) BUCK.STUDIO, which designed the interiors with a deliberately minimalist vibe, to highlight the true protagonists: finely decorated sophisticated cakes and éclairs.  We can tell from the … Continue lendo


General Store

I’m always AMAZED with General Store‘s product selection. It seems like they ALWAYS choose everything I love. #favorite ∴ info ∴ General Store shop & instagram.
