Author Archives: Camila Faria

Jesus Had a Sister Productions

These small doses of fantasy (or could it be reality?) by visual artist Dana Wyse are amazing. For those of us who thought there was no medicine for everything in life. ;) ∴ info ∴ Dana Wyse via Aeroplastics. Jesus Had … Continue lendo


Melbourne Mornings

Beatbox Kitchen All Day Donuts Taco Truck ∴ The Australian Ballet ∴ Joost  Bakker ∴ Kirra Jamison ∴ Melbourne Mornings is a video series from The Design Files which follows inspiring local creatives on their various routines. Watching this series … Continue lendo


Instafave: thejustfav

Let’s start the week with a massive dose of cuteness? This feed is wonderful, especially if you love french bulldogs. Marshmallow is sooo adorable! And there’s a cute shop too, in case you were wondering! \o/ Follow: @thejustfav



Wildlife is a series by photographer Philip Thurston, where he shoots his amazing encounters with sea creatures. Isn’t this the most wonderful thing ever? Almost fairy tale-like. #littlemermaidfeelings ∴ info ∴ Philip Thurston website & instagram.


Bunnyhell Mini-Book Necklace

Attention all book-lovers! These mini-book necklaces from Bunnyhell are adorable – and the best thing about them: you can customize with YOUR favorite book! \o/  ∴ info ∴ Bunnyhell tumblr & etsy shop (ships internationally).
