Author Archives: Camila Faria

Musical Bardot

Brigitte Bardot, beautiful and musical in St. Tropez, photographed by Willy Rizzo (july, 1958). ♫ ∴ info ∴ Willy Rizzo website.


Top Model Secrets

Top Model Secrets is a series of quick interviews with models, on H&M‘s blog, where they reveal some of their little secrets: favorite photographer, best advice, beauty tricks, current book… Very interesting – and also great to get to know better … Continue lendo


Decorating with poufs

I’ve been looking for a pouf to bring some color to my house and I ended up finding a lot of beautiful inspirations online. I separated some of them to show it here on the blog. ♥ So many cute ideas: Cora … Continue lendo


Today’s craving: floral print blouse from Mango

Loving this beautiful floral print blouse from Mango. The leaves pattern and the detail on the back are simply amazing! ∴ info ∴ Mango website. 


illustrated couples_love

Illustrated couples = pure love! 1. El abrazo, (another) lovely work by Blanca Gómez. 2. Smiling and holding hands, beautiful illustration by Anneka Tran.  3. I just want to get close to you, gorgeous and visceral (literally), by Kaye Blegvad. 4. No … Continue lendo
