Arquivos: October 2016


Super Magic Friend is a mexican design studio, responsible for #baonanas rebranding. The brand expertise: light & fluffy banana pudding. I would definitely check out their food-bike if I were near Jersey City, New Jersey! ∴ info ∴ Super Magic Friend behance & … Continue lendo


bkr water bottle

I dont’ think I’ve ever seen a more beautiful water bottle campaign than this one from bkr. And in their website there are other beautiful options, go check it out! ∴ info ∴ bkr website & instagram.


Girl Crush: Felicitas Barresi

A real challenge not to fall in love with Felicitas Barresi, a.k.a. Fresi Power, after seeing these amazing pictures taken by Mora Dorrego for C-Heads Magazine. ? ? ? Styling by Pili Macridachis • Makeup & Hair by Eneritz Rojas ∴ info ∴ Felicitas Barresi instagram … Continue lendo


Mana’o Nani

Patrycja and Karol from Mana’o Nani have the most beautiful job in the world: they turn dreams into toys. Because we’re all kids on the inside, right? ;) ∴ info ∴ Mana’o Nani website & instagram. 


Summer Skin

Summer Skin | model Charlotte Carey photographed by Alex John Beck for Can you feel the heatwaves from the screen? Makeup by Morgane Martini • Prop Styling by Dorothée Baussan ∴ info ∴ Alex John Beck website & instagram.
