Author Archives: Camila Faria

Karen Walker Resort 2014

Karen Walker Resort 2014 Collection. Hello summer! \o/ ∴ info ∴ Karen Walker website. Via Style.


The last three… movies

Barbara (dir. Christian Petzold, 2012) A portrait of East Germany in the 80’s, this movie impresses with a subtle and strong script, without the always annoying communist clichés. A fine example of the new german cinema, I really recommend it! Watch the trailer. … Continue lendo


1 couch – 3 styles

Same couch, same room, three different ways of styling it. It’s hard to choose a favorite.  I love the posters in the second image, but the first space may be the winner. What is your style? ∴ info ∴ Pics by Line Klein, … Continue lendo


Desert Studies

Who knew desert landscapes could be so beautiful? Amazing photography by David Ryle. ∴ info ∴ David Ryle website.


Cat Eye Sunglasses + Bug & Flower

It’s not really my style – and I probably wouldn’t have the guts to wear it. But it’s really a beauty!  :) ∴ info ∴ Cat Eye Sunglasses With Bug & Flower Detail by ASOS.
