Author Archives: Camila Faria

Of Recklessness and Water

Of Recklessness and Water is a photo series by Elizabeth Weinberg. I love the liberating (and fun) aspect of this work. ∴ info ∴ Elizabeth Weinberg website. Of Recklessness and Water series, also available as a book here. Via The Fox is Black.


Wild Flowers

Meet Wild Flowers, a lovely pattern design from Skinny laMinx‘s new collection, called Flower Dreams. Beautiful, isn’t? I have an armchair that would look amazing with it! And, as if the collection wasn’t pretty enough, look at what Heather Moore – brand … Continue lendo


photography + architecture: Matthias Heiderich

Absolutely breathtaking architectural photography by self-taught photographer Matthias Heiderich. Amazing! ∴ info ∴ Matthias Heiderich website. Matthias’ flickr, facebook & twitter. Via ISO50.


Lauren Moffatt – Spring 2012

I wish I could replace all my clothes for the 2012 Spring collection from Lauren Moffatt. The prints are amazing, the colors are super delicate and all the pieces have a feminine and romantic touch. I’m in love! ∴ info ∴ Lauren Moffatt website & online shop (ships to the US and internationally).


new home

Welcome to the new Não Me Mande Flores, made with lots of love, thinking of you readers! I hope you like this new place and continue visiting me and leaving your beautiful comments. ♥ Don’t forget to update your links and follow … Continue lendo
