Posts da categoria: design

Petit pot à lait

I don’t think there’s anyone in the world that gets as excited as me with a simple creamer. I want to live inside Neëst! ♥ ∴ info ∴ Petit pot à lait from the japanese brand 4th Market, available at Neëst.


Bird Mafia papercuts

These amazing Bird Mafia papercuts are all handmade by Emily Brown. She hand-drawn and hand-cut every one of them with a x-acto knife (no lasers and no stencils are used). Amazing, right? ∴ info ∴ Bird Mafia etsy shop.


City Screenprints

Unique series of silk screenprints, inspired by the cities of the world, created by me&him&you design studio. Going straight to my wishlist! ∴ info ∴ me&him&you website.


Rama Chair

Leather + oak = love = Rama Chair. Created by danish OX Design. ∴ info ∴ OX Design website. Via Olsson & Gerthel.


Meet the Greek

Meet the Greek is a beautiful restaurant in Brighton, Australia, whose identity and interiors were created by the always creative End of Work. I love the clever use of plywood and the ‘matchbook’ business cards! ∴ info ∴ Meet the Greek website. … Continue lendo
