
lágrimas_love | Não Me Mande Flores

because tears
become rivers
that drown out
the pain
r. h. Sin

1. Don’t Text Him Pin, from ban.do.
2. Anna Karina in Vivre sa vie: Film en douze tableaux (dir. Jean-Luc Godard, 1962).
3. Model Liam John Little photographed by Regine David.
4. Never ending tears, illustration for the Face a Day Project by Red Cheeks Factory.


Queen of the Meadow

Queen of the Meadow | Modelo Alanna Arrington fotografada por Alexandra Sophie para Harper's Bazaar (Outubro 2016) Queen of the Meadow | Modelo Alanna Arrington fotografada por Alexandra Sophie para Harper's Bazaar (Outubro 2016) Queen of the Meadow | Modelo Alanna Arrington fotografada por Alexandra Sophie para Harper's Bazaar (Outubro 2016) Queen of the Meadow | Modelo Alanna Arrington fotografada por Alexandra Sophie para Harper's Bazaar (Outubro 2016) Queen of the Meadow | Modelo Alanna Arrington fotografada por Alexandra Sophie para Harper's Bazaar (Outubro 2016) Queen of the Meadow | Modelo Alanna Arrington fotografada por Alexandra Sophie para Harper's Bazaar (Outubro 2016) Queen of the Meadow | Modelo Alanna Arrington fotografada por Alexandra Sophie para Harper's Bazaar (Outubro 2016)

A beautiful country editorial from Harper’s Bazaar UK (October 2016) starring model Alanna Arrington, photographed by Alexandra Sophie. The styling is by Charlie Harrington?

∴ info ∴
Alexandra Sophie website & instagram
via Harper’s Bazaar UK.


A white bedroom

Um quarto branco | design minimalista Um quarto branco | design minimalista Um quarto branco | design minimalista

Every time I see a bedroom like this one ~ white, minimalist and oh-so-cool ~ my heart fills with joy. The wooden structure that sits under the mattress replaces the side tables and serves as a support for a mug, a book… but there’s also a (fantastic) stool for extra items. A mirror on the floor, beautiful prints on the wall, a Kaiser Idell lamp and that’s it! You don’t need anything else. ♥

Styling by Josenfin Haag and pictures by Emily Laye.

∴ info ∴
via Fantastic Frank.


Aquel Verano de Romance

Aquel Verano de Romance | Vogue Espanha JUNHO 2016 | fotografia de Benny Horne Aquel Verano de Romance | Vogue Espanha JUNHO 2016 | fotografia de Benny Horne Aquel Verano de Romance | Vogue Espanha JUNHO 2016 | fotografia de Benny Horne Aquel Verano de Romance | Vogue Espanha JUNHO 2016 | fotografia de Benny Horne Aquel Verano de Romance | Vogue Espanha JUNHO 2016 | fotografia de Benny Horne Aquel Verano de Romance | Vogue Espanha JUNHO 2016 | fotografia de Benny Horne Aquel Verano de Romance | Vogue Espanha JUNHO 2016 | fotografia de Benny Horne

All the deliciousness of a summer romance in this beautiful Vogue España editorial (june 2016), photographed by Benny Horne, with models Edita Vilkeviciute and Andrés Velencoso☀️

∴ info ∴
Vogue España website & instagram.
Benny Horne website.


Decór inspiration: basket gallery wall

Inspiração decór: cestos na parede | foto da Tjitske van Leeuwen para a vtwonen

This is one of the first images I saw, in the endless decór inspiration universe that is the internet, of baskets on the wall. It took me a while to find the original source, it’s a photograph by Tjitske van Leeuwen for vtwonen. I was delighted with the explosion of colors (these baskets were made by women in Egyptian villages), in this simple and beautiful setting. 

Then I began to notice more and more of these basket walls. Here are some of the most interesting images I found:

Inspiração decór: cestos na parede | Decoração neutra e iluminada, com cestos na parede do quarto. Projeto da Maison Hand.

Neutral and bright décor, with baskets on the bedroom wall.
Maison Hand project, via Desire to Inspire.

Inspiração decór: cestos na parede | Cestas geométricas africanas numa sala de jantar colorida e vibrante. Via Old Brand New.

The African geometric baskets are just a few of many charming details of this colorful and vibrant dining room. Via Old Brand New.

Inspiração decór: cestos na parede | Cestos vintage, da Simplychi.

Clear baskets make an interesting contrast in darker walls. These are all vintage, from Simplychi.

Inspiração decór: cestos na parede | Cestos iguais, de tamanhos diferentes. Esses são do catálogo da Madam Stoltz.

Identical baskets in different sizes. These are from Madam Stoltz‘s catalog.

 Inspiração decór: cestos na parede | A mistura deliciosa de cores e texturas da antiga casa da fotógrafa Carley Summers.

A delicious mix of colors and textures in the photographer Carley Summers‘ old place. Via instagram

What do you guys think about basket gallery walls?
Do you like a more nature-inspired decór?
