Arquivos: October 2012

Sanna Annukka’s birds

How not to be charmed with the ultra-colorful birds created by finnish designer Sanna Annukka? They’re so beautiful! And if you think you recognize these shapes, you may have already run into her work, after all, she also creates beautiful … Continue lendo


decór dream: open floor

A dream: enough space to have a completely open floor, with three integrated spaces. Oh, and these amazing windows overlooking a beautiful garden outside wouldn’t hurt either. :) ∴ info ∴ Via Residence.


Great Ideas – Penguin Books

Marcel Proust, Days of Reading George Orwell, Books v. Cigarettes Thomas de Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium Eater I have an everlasting love for books, and anyone who knows me knows I love Penguin Books. They always publish such beautiful … Continue lendo



The Tsuru is the official origami bird and symbolizes health, good luck and happiness. According to a Japanese legend, if you make one thousand origami tsurus, the gods will grant you a wish. :) 1. Colorful tsurus with beads, in Victor … Continue lendo


Morar Mais por Menos 2012 – afternoon with ice cream

I know that most of my readers are crazy for decoration (like me). So I’d like to give you guys an amazing tip: the Morar Mais por Menos (Living More for Less) exhibition, held since 2004 in several cities in … Continue lendo
