Author Archives: Camila Faria

El Montero, by Anagrama

Project developed by design agency Anagrama – specialized in brand development and positioning – for the mexican restaurant El Montero. Beautiful stuff. Makes me wanna see it in person and, of course, take these beautiful products home. ∴ info ∴ Anagrama website. … Continue lendo



Beautiful and clean design by spanish designer Alvaro Catalán de Ocón. Many Rayuela stools in combination create a borderless surface with infinite pattern combinations. So cool! ∴ info ∴ Alvaro Catalán de Ocón website. Via you are the river.


geo jewelry: A Merry Mishap

I’ve been obsessing over A Merry Mishap‘s beautiful geo jewelry. These extra light colors go super well with gold, don’t you think? ∴ info ∴ A Merry Mishap etsy shop (ships internationally).


Sanna Annukka’s birds

How not to be charmed with the ultra-colorful birds created by finnish designer Sanna Annukka? They’re so beautiful! And if you think you recognize these shapes, you may have already run into her work, after all, she also creates beautiful … Continue lendo


decór dream: open floor

A dream: enough space to have a completely open floor, with three integrated spaces. Oh, and these amazing windows overlooking a beautiful garden outside wouldn’t hurt either. :) ∴ info ∴ Via Residence.
