Author Archives: Camila Faria

Great Ideas – Penguin Books

Marcel Proust, Days of Reading George Orwell, Books v. Cigarettes Thomas de Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium Eater I have an everlasting love for books, and anyone who knows me knows I love Penguin Books. They always publish such beautiful … Continue lendo



The Tsuru is the official origami bird and symbolizes health, good luck and happiness. According to a Japanese legend, if you make one thousand origami tsurus, the gods will grant you a wish. :) 1. Colorful tsurus with beads, in Victor … Continue lendo


Morar Mais por Menos 2012 – afternoon with ice cream

I know that most of my readers are crazy for decoration (like me). So I’d like to give you guys an amazing tip: the Morar Mais por Menos (Living More for Less) exhibition, held since 2004 in several cities in … Continue lendo


Harvest Fine Tea

Harvest Fine Tea is an exclusive tea developed by Norwegian Coffee, Tea House Crema and Darling Clementine. Needless to say I fell in love with the packaging, right? And the best part is that they also sell these beautiful tea cups! \o/ … Continue lendo


Café com Blog FQM: Clairial line

Last week I went to the 1º Café com Blog FQM – a lovely breakfast offered by FQM Derma at its headquarters in Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro. The reason? The launch of the Clairial line from SVR. SVR … Continue lendo
