Author Archives: Camila Faria

The Makers: Karen Mordechai

The Makers is a photo project by Jennifer Causey (I’ve talked about her here before!), in which she registers images of several creative people, real sources of desire and inspiration. In these pictures you can see the photographer and stylist … Continue lendo


happy mail – Céline

Imagine how happy I was when I received this letter from the lovely Céline! She has the cutest blog ever and an incredible talent for handicrafts. Love! Thank you sweet Céline, I’m in love with your beautiful letter! ♥


Macadamia oil treatment by Redken

Does your hair needs hydration and nutrition? Then you need to know more about Redken Smooth Down products. Last week I was invited by Redken to try the Macadamia Oil treatment, that uses and enhances the effects of their Smooth … Continue lendo


Rita Hayworth as Gilda

The other day I watched Gilda (directed by Charles Vidor in 1946) and became even more in love with the beautiful Rita Hayworth. She’s so pretty, so sweet and so sexy… They really don’t make muses like they used to. … Continue lendo


The Underwater Project

The Underwater Project is an amazing photography series by Mark Tipple. Mark captures images of surfers as they struggle to emerge from the waves. In his own words: “Surf photography’s been around forever. I wanted something different.” Different and gorgeous, isn’t? … Continue lendo
