Posts da categoria: places


Flederhaus (or “bat house”) is an open space in Vienna, Austria, near the Museums Quarter, designed by the architectural duo Heri & Salli. The building has a cluster of hammocks, where visitors can hang out, relax and check the amazing … Continue lendo


Diana-mini adventures #1

On my last trip to Paris, I couldn’t resist and bought a beautiful Diana-mini – lomographic camera that uses 35mm film and can produce either square or half-frame photos. It was love at first sight! Here are some pictures from … Continue lendo


oh la la … Paris!

After traveling through Russia, I spent a few days in Paris, one of my favorite cities in the world! Paris, I miss you already… See more pictures of this trip here. See pictures from my first trip to Paris here.


From Russia With Love

I finally uploaded the pictures from my trip to Russia to Flickr, here’s a sneak peek: Check out more pics here.


kitsch kitchen

I love Chantal Michel‘s kitsch kitchen, filled with little treasures. Chantal is one of Switzerland’s most famous artists and she lives in a borrowed castle (Château de Kiesen), where she hosts exhibitions and performances. Via 25 underbara hem.
