Faber-Castell – It Girls

Faber- Castell - presentinho

You know your day will be A LOT happier when you receive a cute packet from Faber-Castell! \o/

Let’s see what was in it?

Faber-Castell - apontadores da linha It Girls

These are pencil sharpeners from the It Girls line, which is filled with heart prints. Lovely! ♥

Faber-Castell - borrachas da linha It Girls

Heart-shaped twisted erasers. So cute I feel sorry to use them!

Faber-Castell - EcoLápis da linha It GirlsFaber-Castell - EcoLápis da linha It Girls

These EcoPencils – also from the It Girls line – are certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, a nongovernmental organization created to promote responsible forest management around the world. Amazing, right?

Faber-Castell - canetas Grip StickFaber-Castell - canetas Grip retrátil

The Grip Stick and Retractable Grip pens are covered with non-slip spheres that facilitate the grip and make writing more enjoyable. Besides being beautiful, of course!

What a sweet gift! Especially for a stationery addict like me! I know many of you also love stationery, am I right? Does someone already knew (and already use) any of these beauties?

And finally, a big thanks to Faber-Castell!  :)

∴ info ∴
Faber-Castell website & fun page.


Equilateral nails

Equilateral NailsEquilateral Nails

Who said that nails need to be so dull and always look the same? These Equilateral Nails, made of solid bronze, are perfect for hanging jewelry. Beautiful, don’t you think?

∴ info ∴
Via General Store.


Cute mugs

If there is something I’ve always wanted to collect are mugs! I guess I never began a real collection because I’m afraid it will escape my control (in other words: I’m afraid I’ll spend all my money in them).

But how can anybody resist, with so many cute options on the market? Look at these examples:

Cute mug - Melina Souza

This floral mug belongs to the pretty Melina Souza (who, by the way, has several other awesome mugs). Very romantic and cute, don’t you think?

 Cute mug - Jamie Klimes

Enjoy the simplest pleasures in the everyday. Beautiful message on Jamie Klimes‘ mug!

Cute mug - Andrea Mendes

Andrea Mendes is the owner of this lovely Marie mug and this beautiful pic. Now I want the mug and the strawberry tart!

 Cute mug - Iany Trisuzzi

A mug couple that fit together to create a kiss; beautiful photo by Iany Trisuzzi! Where do I press to like x 1000?

Another option is to customize your own mug using Vistaprint Coupons. I think that would be a fabulous gift to friends and family (or even yourself)!


Today I hope

Marc Johns - I hope you find an extra 20 bucks

Today I hope you find an extra 20 bucks in your pocket! Isn’t it great when that happens?  :)

A beautiful weekend to everyone!

∴ info ∴
Illustration of the always amazing Marc Johns.


Noma Authentic

NOMA Authentic - a project by Jonas Emmertsen and Henrik EllersgaardNOMA Authentic - a project by Jonas Emmertsen and Henrik EllersgaardNOMA Authentic - a project by Jonas Emmertsen and Henrik EllersgaardNOMA Authentic - a project by Jonas Emmertsen and Henrik EllersgaardNOMA Authentic - a project by Jonas Emmertsen and Henrik EllersgaardNOMA Authentic

From the series: fictional project that I would love if it were real! Believe me, this amazing work is a school project by Jonas Emmertsen and Henrik Ellersgaard and the whole concept is fictional.

The concept was to create a culinary tour for people interested in learning more about commodity, hunting and fishing. Chefs from the renowned Noma* would travel with the group, teaching about food culture and cooking for them. Where do I sign up, guys???  :)

*Noma is a restaurant in Copenhagen, Denmark, ranked as the best restaurant in the world for three consecutive years – 2010, 2011 and 2012 – by the San Pellegrino Awards.

∴ info ∴
Noma Authentic via Behance.
Noma website.
