The girls

Ashley Goldberg girls: DianaAshley Goldberg girls: GwenAshley Goldberg girls: Lily

How cool it would be to become one of Ashley Goldberg‘s girls? #love

∴ info ∴
Ashley Goldberg blog & etsy shop (ships internationally).


Crochet cactus

Crochet cactus from Safari Fusion.Crochet cactus from Safari Fusion.

Doesn’t have a green thumb? How about one of these lovely crochet cactus from Safari Fusion? They are all handmade in South Africa (with 100% cotton yarn, filled with fluffy polyester and weighted at the base). Super cute!

∴ info ∴
Safari Fusion website.


Loveliness by Deva

Lavender Sachet by DevaIpad case by DevaIpad case by Deva

By Deva‘s universe is full of colors, great prints and delicate textures, transformed by Márcia Valbom into bags, cases, clutches, pillows and other lovely items, all created in her small cottage near the Arrábida Mountains in Portugal.

The name By Deva comes from the Devas, who in Hindu philosophy represent forest spirits, free beings always connected to nature. Just like Márcia, who loves the countryside and lives a very healthy lifestyle, in touch with nature.

Clutch by DevaPillow by DevaBag by Deva

The items are very beautiful and we can see that everything is made with love and dedication. Impossible not to love!

In addition, Marcia has a very cute blog, where we can see fragments of her daily life and some of her beautiful crafts. I recommend a visit!

∴ info ∴
By Deva flickr & etsy shop (ships internationally).



Versus-Hearts_Cat-&-MouseVersus/Hearts - The Pig & The BirdVersus/Hearts - The Joke & The BatVersus/Hearts - Android & iOSVersus/Hearts - The Skeleton & The ManVersus/Hearts - Mojo Jojo & Buttercup

Famous rivals in pop culture portrayed by designer and illustrator Dan Matutina in his project Versus/Hearts. In Dan’s words: “Rivals hate each other, but deep inside they know they couldn’t exist without the other“. So true!

∴ info ∴
Dan Matutina website & tumblr.
Via Abduzeedo.


Therese Sennerholt design

Always act as if what you do makes a difference, by Therese SennerholtI think that I could fall madly in bed with you, by Therese SennerholtNote to self. Eat lots of chocolate, by Therese Sennerholt

Therese Sennerholt Graphic Prints are pretty awesome, don’t you think? Wishing for a couple of these at my place.

∴ info ∴
Therese Sennerholt website & shop (ships internationally).
