Birdhouse…for humans!

Bird apartment by NendoBird apartment by NendoBird apartment by NendoBird apartment by NendoBird apartment by Nendo

This amazing bird-apartment was designed by Nendo for the Ando Momofuku Center in Japan, a facility devoted to promoting and increasing access to nature activities. On one side, the treehouse has entrances to 78 nest spaces for birds. The other side has an entrance for one person, who can look into the birds’ nests through peepholes. Beautiful!

∴ info ∴
Nendo website.
Via This is paper.


Asleep from day: new collection

Asleep from dayAsleep from day

I’m absolutely in love with Asleep from day new collection. My favorites: the Mountains mug and the Bird teapot.

∴ info ∴
Asleep from day etsy shop.
Via Carnets Parisiens.


Frankie magazine: covers

Frankie magazineFrankie magazineFrankie magazineFrankie magazine

Frankie is, undoubtedly, one of the most beautiful publications out there. I’m always impressed by the delicacy of their covers, a prelude of the beautiful things we’ll find inside the magazine.

How nice it would be if all the magazines had the same aesthetic concern and richness of content!

∴ info ∴
Frankie magazine website & shop.


keep smiling

Keep Smiling Keep smiling, it’s free! :)

Because when you smile, life smiles back at you.

∴ info ∴
Image via A Fabulous Fete.


packaging design: Melitheon honey



Melitheon means “honey of gods” in greek. I would say that this packaging, created by Aris Goumpouros to Vasiliki Company, is also divine!

It’s amazing how honey packaging is more and more resembling beauty products packaging. Remember this honey that looked like a perfume?

∴ info ∴
Aris Goumpouros website.
Vasiliki Company website.
Via The Dieline.
