DIY: hand painted mug

Are you into crafts? What about making your own holiday gifts? I think this hand painted mug would make a lovely Christmas gift. I’d love to get one myself! Follow the instructions over at this Wit & Whistle post.

*Remember this awesome card from Wit & Whistle?*


∴ 4 x cinema ∴

My last 4 cinematic adventures:

1. The singer, 2006 (Quand j’étais chanteur, dir. Xavier Giannoli)
2. Paris 36, 2008 (Faubourg 36, dir. Christophe Barratier)
3. I’m not there, 2007 (dir. Todd Haynes)
4. The diving bell and the butterfly, 2007 (Le scaphandre et le papillon, dir. Julian Schnabel)


+ Euphorie // Paris +

Beautiful installation, all made by hand by the talented Supakitch and Koralie. I wish this amazing piece of art was on my bedroom wall!

Via The Fox is Black.


new magazine: 91

91 Magazine is a brand new quarterly online magazine for the craft and vintage style lover, published by Patchwork Harmony. The launch issue (read it here) has a lovely Petals and Lace photoshoot and a paper cup fairy light garland project I’m dying to make!

♥ ♥ ♥


movie/book crush: Submarine

Fantastic performances, amazing cinematic beauty, nouvelle vague references, superb soundtrack… If you love any of those things you should stop what you’re doing right now and watch this movie. Submarine (2010) was directed by Richard Ayoade (love him in I.T. Crowd) and the beautiful soundtrack was created by Alex Turner, from The Artic Monkeys.

Actually, I recommend that you read Joe Dunthorne‘s novel first. It’s unbelievably engaging and sweet. It goes really well with a cup of lemon tea and a cupcake. ; )
