baby fox_love


Because today we deserve a good dose of cuteness! ♥

1. So tiny and so sweet, lovely pic by these are only words.
2. Licking fox, this picture by Julie Milne won second place in the 2013 Mammal Society photographer of the year competition. Via The Guardian.
3. Love you mom, amazing pic by Daniel Gelinas.
4. Fox game, one of many beautiful pics by Ivan Kislov.


Fumi Koike illustrations

Lake by Fumi KoikeSummer Day by Fumi KoikeWorkspace by Fumi KoikeA Room with Coat by Fumi KoikeA Room with a Skylight by Fumi Koike

You know when sometimes you find someone whose work touches you deep inside the soul? That’s what happened when I saw Fumi Koike‘s artwork. I am completely in love and dreaming with one of her paintings here in my house.

∴ info ∴
Fumi Koike blog, flickr & fan page.



Corfú zineCorfú zineCorfú zine

Corfú is a cute zine for children, created by spanish illustrator Abel Jiménez and inspired by the “Corfu Trilogy” by Gerald Durrell. I think this zine culture is very cool and I wish I could see it more here in Rio.

∴ info ∴
Via Abel Jiménez etsy shop.
Publicado pela Paiorfa Editorial.


David Ryski posters

Fu Manchu by Dawid RyskiMúm by Dawid RyskiBeach House by Dawid RyskiWolves Like Us by Dawid Ryski

I have a huge crush on these Dawid Ryski posters for a while. Especially now that I just moved and still have a lot of empty walls. Aren’t they gorgeous (and so original)?

∴ info ∴
Dawid Ryski portfolio, blog & etsy shop.


Today’s craving: Adidas Gazelle OG

Adidas Gazelle OG

Today I’m longing for a Adidas Gazelle OG, gray and pink. Lovely, isn’t? ♥

∴ info ∴
Adidas website.
Via gravitypope.
