Great Ideas – Penguin Books

Penguin BooksPenguin BooksPenguin Books

Marcel ProustDays of Reading
George Orwell, Books v. Cigarettes
Thomas de Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium Eater

I have an everlasting love for books, and anyone who knows me knows I love Penguin Books. They always publish such beautiful collections and interesting books. Each new series edited by them increases my obsession, and I end up wanting to buy every single title.

My newest love affair is with the Great Ideas series, dedicated to books that changed the world and inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. I already bought and read these three titles, but look at how much good stuff the collection still have:

Great Ideas - Penguin Books

Sigmund Freud, The Future of an Illusion
Friedrich Nietzsche, Man Alone with Himself
Leo Tolstoy, A Confession

Great Ideas - Penguin Books

George Orwell, Why I Write
Arthur Schopenhauer, On the Suffering of the World
John Ruskin, On Art and Life

Great Ideas - Penguin Books

Jorge Luis Borges, The Perpetual Race of Achilles and the Tortoise
Charles Baudelaire, The Painter of Modern Life
Giacomo Leopardi, Dialogue Between Fashion and Death

A lot of good stuff, right? I want them all! #PenguinLove

∴ info ∴
Penguin Books website.
Penguin Books – Great Ideas minisite.




The Tsuru is the official origami bird and symbolizes health, good luck and happiness. According to a Japanese legend, if you make one thousand origami tsurus, the gods will grant you a wish. :)

1. Colorful tsurus with beads, in Victor Shigueru Mine‘s pic.
2. Tsuru pattern, via Behance.
3. Tsurus in pastel colors, in Raimis T.‘s pic.
4. “Buried”, Kim Herbst‘s illustration.

Learn to make your own tsuru here!


Morar Mais por Menos 2012 – afternoon with ice cream

I know that most of my readers are crazy for decoration (like me). So I’d like to give you guys an amazing tip: the Morar Mais por Menos (Living More for Less) exhibition, held since 2004 in several cities in Brazil.

Morar Mais por Menos

The cool thing about this exhibition is that, besides the super creative and beautiful rooms, we have access to all product prices and suppliers contacts. A wonderful source for anyone who loves chic and affordable decór!

The exhibition Morar Mais por Menos promoted a fun meeting between bloggers, an afternoon of a lot of talk about decoration and Itália ice creams, led by Ligia Schuback, one of the founders of the event. Loved the initiative!

Morar Mais por Menos - Encontro de Blogueiros

Let’s see some of my favorite rooms?

Morar-Mais-por-Menos - Estúdio-da-MulherMorar Mais por Menos - Estúdio da MulherMorar Mais por Menos - Estúdio da Mulher

Women’s Studio, by Dolores Marafelli, Juliana Bongiovanni e Luciana Lage.

The great thing about this studio is that it was all designed with low cost materials. I love the multiple lamps and the bed in the center of the room. The colorful pillows and open closet are the highlights, as well as the headboard, that turns into a desk.

Morar Mais por Menos - Quarto do Bebê MeninoMorar Mais por Menos - Quarto do Bebê MeninoMorar Mais por Menos - Quarto do Bebê Menino

Baby Boy’s Room, by Ana Caminha, Carla Cotrim e Loana Goldschimidt.

This baby room plays with the concept of “little farm” and, although it was created for a boy, I believe it can also be great for a little girl. The branch adorned with lamps and the cloud mobile are amazing, but the highlight is the wooden swing hanging from the ceiling. Gorgeous!

Morar Mais por Menos - Cozinha do ChefMorar Mais por Menos - Cozinha do Chef

Chef’s Kitchen, by Ana Paula Sarmento e Marcus Laranja.

Guess which is my favorite place in the house? The kitchen! This chef’s kitchen was designed for someone who loves to cook and entertain. Have you notice that the stove is on the countertop in front of the dining table? This way you can finish the dish without interrupting the chat. Brilliant!

You can’t miss it if you like decoration! Check out the cities and dates of the exhibition in this link. Here in Rio the exhibition runs until November 04.

∴ info ∴
Morar Mais por Menos website.
Address: Avenida Epitácio Pessoa, 4.866 – Lagoa, Rio de Janeiro
Tuesday to Saturday 12 to 10 pm, Sunday: 12 to 9 pm


Harvest Fine Tea

Harvest Fine TeaHarvest Fine TeaHarvest Fine Tea

Harvest Fine Tea is an exclusive tea developed by Norwegian Coffee, Tea House Crema and Darling Clementine. Needless to say I fell in love with the packaging, right? And the best part is that they also sell these beautiful tea cups! \o/

∴ info ∴
Darling Clementine website, tumblr & shop.
Via The Dieline.


Café com Blog FQM: Clairial line

Café com Blog FQM

Last week I went to the 1º Café com Blog FQM – a lovely breakfast offered by FQM Derma at its headquarters in Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro. The reason? The launch of the Clairial line from SVR.

SVR is a brand of skin care products created 40 years ago by french pharmaceutical Simone Veret Robert, found in 30 countries with a full line of 75 products. FQM Derma brought to Brazil the SVR french line and is now launching the Clairial products, that promise a complete lightening effect in the treatment of hyperpigmentation.

Linha Clairial SVR

The Clairial line consists of two products: Clairial C10 and Clairial FPS50+.

Clairial C10 – Ideal for all forms of hyperpigmentation (especially melasma and acne or pregnancy blemishes).

With Vitamin C 10% + Lumiwhite Complex, the product blocks the enzyme tyrosinase (which stimulates the production of melanin), preventing the process of hyperpigmentation and guaranteeing a more effective skin whitening.

Clairial FPS50+ – Acts to prevent the emergence of dark spots and stress caused by the sun.

Linha Clairial SVRLinha Clairial SVR

I don’t have melasma, but I have a few little acne spots, so I’m super excited about this launch. I’ll start using both products and I’ll tell you the results later!

Xícara do Café com blog FQM

A little detail of the sweet treat we received: a commemorative cup with the 1º Café com Blog FQM logo! A special thanks to the FQM Derma team, who have transformed this launch into a super fun morning. :)

∴ info ∴
SVR Laboratoires facebook & twitter.
