happy mail – to Céline

happy mail to Célinehappy mail to Céline

A few treats sent to the lovely Céline last month. More pictures in this beautiful post on her blog, Bohème Circus.

Remember the happy mail Céline sent me?


lovely mini succulents

mini-succulentsmini succulentsmini succulentsmini succulents

 The most adorable mini succulents, planted in eggshells. I think I need more succulents in my life!

Do you keep any plants at home?

∴ info ∴
Via Oscar and Ruby.


web tip: Breakfast tumblr

Breakfast tumblrBreakfast tumblrBreakfast tumblrBreakfast tumblr

If breakfast is your favorite meal of the day, you’ll love the tumblr Breakfast. Diana and Catherine share pictures of breakfasts found on their internet travels (and the best part is they indicate all the original sources of the pictures, yay!). I’m completely addicted, best tumblr ever!

∴ info ∴
Breakfast tumblr.
Visit Diana at Miss Moss.
Visit Catherine at Wolf Eyebrows.
Original pics from this post: #1, #2, #3, #4, all via Breakfast tumblr.


Étoile Isabel Marant

Étoile Isabel MarantÉtoile Isabel MarantÉtoile Isabel MarantÉtoile Isabel MarantÉtoile Isabel MarantÉtoile Isabel Marant

Gorgeous Étoile Isabel Marant clothing, available at Maryam Nassir Zadeh store in New York. Impossible not to love!

∴ info ∴
Isabel Marant website.
Maryam Nassir Zadeh website.



Kim Roselier FacesKim Roselier FacesKim Roselier FacesKim Roselier Faces

Faces, watercolor work by illustrator Kim Roselier. Beautiful!

∴ info ∴
Kim Roselier website & tumblr.
